Suddenly I was pierced by a trusting pair of eyes,
Gleaming through my defenses like I was five again,
The gaze penetrated my soul and brought it out,
When a fish swallows a hook too deeply, instinctual,
The guts come bursting forth without any shame,
Staring into my pooling tears a gentle I Love You,
Shattered mechanisms of isolating distance reflexes,
I show who I am, who I am becoming, who I used to be,
A question apolemic and yet in contentious connexion,
Reality can only exist if there is a Nothing in comparison,
Feeling wrenched, without the decency of a solvent,
I'm in a natural human predicament, reason vs. emotion,
And as long as those gorgeous orbits grasp my contortion,
Rationality is overcome by a tide of acceptance.
I do find myself in a most peculiar set of circumstances,
this notre nouvel amour sowing zygotic plants,
My deepest desire is to find sufficient evidence,
That the seedlings are being sown equally in both gardens,
And that dialogue may continue to present itself mutually,
Here ladies and gentlemen, the spectacle of reason,
In a relationship of necessary connexion with emotion!
Come one, come all to see this freak show develop!
It's a once and a lifetime opportunity, and the tickets are free!
Either way, the fruits will be eaten when ripened to perfexion,
And just maybe we can be satisfied.