Monday, November 9, 2009

A Passage of Life

Gentle ripples threatening a storm
Persuaded by my swaying feet
I feel the cool water catch my toes
Saying to myself "How Wonderful"

I can see my friend, mother loon
Swimming swiftly through and through
The cool breeze rests on my shoulder
And kisses my face knowingly

As I sit here I make waves
My feet osculate at frequencies
Its abnormal for the lake
She sits quietly, so ignorant and naive

All around I hear water birds
I ponder what they say
Perhaps they talk of me
"Whose that guy and why is he here?"

Next I look to the ancient trees
They tower over the lake, seeing so much
Some look over the lake to see a reflection
Yet others stand tall and stay still

I see a fish jump in response
It is unbelievable the vastness of fish
The variety and size of so many
All visible through the clear water

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