Monday, December 21, 2009

Cry of Passion

Omits the cries of passion
Lets go of all tension
In a state of suspension

Playing within my ration
Clueless to current situation
Im denied my suduction

It kills the creation
Hoping only for resurrection
From this love potion

Controlling the possession
I pass the situation
Unskathed by distraction

Omits the cries of passion
I maintain my station
And obey her direction

Heated Water

Something inside isnt right
I have lost touch with
Most who I love for
This is not spontanious
This is not under my control
This is not your responsibility
I mourn at the corpse
Of who I was with them
Gone only until corrected
Slipping into heated water
Steaming my inner orgins
They pass, evident to everyone
But remain with me, with her
More and more I wish for
Completeness, balance, and soverignty
Adolecence is a cruel beast
Striking poison, at first harmless
And instead of talking
I spill my disembodied emotion
In a respected but unhelping manner
The carnage goes obvious and ignored
And everyone suffers because of me
This is not healthy
This is not how it should be
This is not something I can do alone


The simple tranquility
Of my happy place
Music is blasting
And the cup half full
I draw a bath
And wait for it, naked
Unconstricted with clothes
Undisturbed by others
Free to do anything
But choosing to do nothing
Except center myself


Being naked is so releasing
I dont bare the culture
Or ideas of another
No god or CEO
Just me, sitting Naked

Animals are happy only
Because they are always
Plants too, always naked
Nothing but themselves
They dont hide anything
Animals are not ashamed
Nor am I, naked and glorious
The only thing covering my skin
Is the hair I allow
No burdens, worries, or predistractions

I revel in it all
The feeling and also
The human body and its beauty
So complex but homeostatic
Im naked and loving it

Clear Water

I am clear water
Rippling gently, with respect
Moving, responsibly around
That which Im incasing
Allowing freedom
To be with me is warm
But once left
You become cold
This is because
I love, not like others
Giving life to any
The sooner you realize
There is nothing like
Clear, refreshing water
You will enjoy life
For I am all giving
For I am all inclusive
For I am, Clear Water

I am

I am your rock of patience
Your continuum of validity
I sing while you weep
And succeed for us both
When you rest, I follow through
Persistantly pushing you forward

I am your adreniline release
Controlling your vastness
I pass through your barriers
And dig deeper for completion

I am your will to dominate
Wishing to destroy the pain
I gush intrusivly to your power
Amping ability and determination

I am my yourself
Walking right through doors
Passing with ease
As a new age becomes

Scrambleless Nest

My brain in motion
It never ends
Like the love potion
But refuses trends

I cant make it quit
Or even stall
Information it could fit
Big as a wall

It swims through
Always moving
Forever true
Parially choosing

My brain needs rest
Or it will perish
A scrambleless nest
To reproduce ideas


Its the eternal antidote I seek
Following dead leads repeatedly
Sinking further into my ressurection
Silently creeping towards my doom
I become submerged into the theoredical
Where the only possible victory
Becomes when your not the good guy
Becoming non-responsive is my release
Pondering on puddles of nothing
My emotional self-masicistic tendancies

So I seek this antidote now
You think as if in the last minute
But really you miss every real one
I slither to my safehouse, broken
You go on as if it is all solved
O but not more quietly than I
No sir, you fail in that
My antidote remains unresolved
And I fall asleep, unrecognizing death

Looking Backwards

The second I see you
I cant wait to leave
It because I hate you
For the pain i recieve

You earned a place
Deep in my heart
A vengance with grace
Watch and be smart

Im treated like shit
Pushed and tested
You dont let me fit
My complaints unrested

You caught me soaked
In desire for another
It prodded and provoked
For a new lover

Looking back on it all
You never loved me
I always took the fall
But could never be free


When your scared
And dont know what to do
Look to the paired
Because there are so few
You hit a mental wall
Preaching random thickness
Who should take the fall
The prepy stuck up bitches

In this stailmate
Become master of fate
Make everything great
Or release your hate

Stailmate hits us all
Though some more than you
One last role call
For seeing my view
This compramize shared
For unfair togetherness
Because they never cared
Or tried to confess

Chorus x 2

x 4:
It feels great
To unleash my hate

Pleading Bliss

A ravenous thought reaches me
I intern reach for my ink
Pondering skillfully upon my pod
Adjusting to the slightest heat
The passion retrained in vengance
It grips the soul and feasts
Blue goop surrounds my thinking
Pacing slightly inside my state
I replace the past with the real
Sweating as if I was toxic
All part of my falisy construction
Daily grind recommences despite
My pleading goes unheard
Suddenly a rush of eternal bliss
Punctured my inner being
Externalizing all my demons
I cry in remorse, my friends
A new more intense conclusion
Brings itself to my attension
Ash burnt Grey, devours the ravenous

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Professional

The watch him
As he works, silent
The people question
How he is so efficient
Yet flawed in perfection
Defeating every client

He pulses for percision
His will goes unbent
The single time he would
Fail, they ask for rent
Then as if a fox
Popularity follows his scent

Herniated Heifer

Went I, calmly, slowly
When asked to sex
Horticulture heifer
Scared as a placenta
Spilling into a cold bin
I catch the cow
Masterbating itself
Sick, filling buckets
The vulgar stench
Filling my nasal
Suddenly the cow
She jumps to it
Realizing, regretting
Slimy, pulsing home
My cells herniate


Twister, lavish with fodder
When was it again
Spun of fleece
Spinning with silk
A constant 40 lbs.
Literally overlooked


Grip it
Hold it
Smell pain
Let go
Feel the wind
Never again
To feel

To hurt
the one
I love

Never to feel
Never too real
I cry

It flows
To I, why
To show


The reckless spoon of eternal endevour
Traps my will with shine so clever
Let me love in peace forever
Or the aorta myself shall severe
Pacing inside my mind I'll never
With the reckless spoon as my lever
The eternal endevour so coarse
Dreaming daily of thy horse
Wishing to never by force
I close my eyes to find source
To which I see no remorse


I sit and wallow
The pain to swallow
To never follow
You again

To cause you pain
I'll never again
Before the rain
So shallow

To rest I lay
My dying day
Never to play
With you

Yet there's few
Left to do
Without a clue
So if I may

The pain to swallow
I'll never again
My dying day
Left to do

Reach Out

A sloth faced man
Slithers to and fro
Passes quietly
Soft, slow
Stalking its meal
Swaggering in his teeth

This man, slothfaced
Creeping into sanity
Faced with paranormal
He questions colors
And feels his bile

Viewing this beast
I reach out
Crying on wind
Silly children, tee hee
They do not suspect
Fleeces shaking
Flawed and raw

I hear the vibrations
Sweet and calming
In nature
Pausing briefly
An opportunity


Try and confine
My rapidly expansion
Conscience exploitation
Swims with fins
Sleek and aerodynamic
So I flip him the bird
And pass through, unharmed
Genius! He sees it
All of it
In total comparability
Making swift judgment
He murders it for all
My mind dies
Slow and thankfully

Little Piece

Little by Little
Piece by Piece
I sit and mettle
My final release
I fitz and figure
To find truth
The last trigger
A foiled spoof

As I Peer

As I peer
Down the hall
Listen to hear
The faithful call
Like sheep shear
I make fall
All thats queer
And shaped ball
Dispelling fear
Well for all
Your last tear
I wish to stall

Infected Reflections

Bleeding sympathies
Unreality of hurt
I close myself
To all ideas of such
Then at the same time
Notice something

Breeding the quickies
The truth of burnt
I chose myself
To become as much
Slowly start the climb
To become king


The satisfaction like no other
Refraised to be politically correct
Turns your brain to fodder
But politically correct doesnt mean perfect
The intensity of stimulation reproduces
Multiplies by her given passion
Intercoarse, sex, the nasty, and beautiful togetherness
Intamacy, the sweat cuddling and finger passes
Passion, oneness with her, becoming
Love, flowing in and around, fluid and stable
Rubbing her, my goddess, so soft is her skin
Warm embrace, ignites my emotions
Copulating with her, anti-estrus, positive
Im her hero, she my sweetness in life
Loving her, I lust to see her happy
Not just satisfaction, sex, but
Emotional understandment and coexistance
She is flawless, and it makes me call
My limbido to prove its stamina
Flawless and imperfections
Never cursing them but enjoying
Love, agape, true, everlasting and flavorful
I give her all she needs and more
She returns the favor willingly, unasked
Whenwe finished when we pleasure
Not a drip of love goes undrunk,
Intoxicated with eachother, positive
And she embaces me to show approval
Again we go, forever but so short time
I feel her with every move
Love it! It makes me intensify
Her, so heavenly, curves glorious,
I hardly contain my inspiration for her
Softly I pair with her but
Its so true, pleasure with no pain of heart
She keeps sane and aware
I would never have believed
How she would effect me, positive
Teaching, guiding, learning and following
I love her til the end
Day in and day out, pure agape love
Integrite, honest, true, and flawless
My passions play for her my one
Only, intimate and warm, always
I will love her until, positive

Monday, November 16, 2009

Prison Cell

I'm incarcerated
To the point of insanity
My brain bleeds with it
Boredom rotting my flesh
Decomposing my spirit
Devouring my will to live
I whine for release
But it fails with flying colors
The melodic prison
Taunting my wrath
So I sigh in displeasure
Staring intently at my walls
I wish ideas could bleed
Then they would understand
My pain

Steam Roller

A single tear hikes down my face
Although the pain is hundreds deep
My heart filibusters with no peep
Erasing my pain without a trace

I bleed emotions instead of blood
And I feel myself molting again
As the pain swells (insert creativity)
While my arteries fill with mud

Steam rolling all my agony
And bench pressing my gain
I turn all that is pleasure to pain
Acting similar to some old phony


Anticipation, waiting, needing
I sit here in anticipation
Like a state of being
I crave your sweetness
With every step I take
The grueling day passes
Afraid of me, and consequence
Imagining all past events
My desires amplify
It seems as if, to me
That we should be
Forever together, permitted
I intensely pine for you
Passing over my other
For the sake of eternal happiness
Invisioning in my mind
Our interactions, arousing
I suffer through each day
Until our loving embrace

Second Wind

I can feel that so familiar
Passing through my heart
Every step I take further
My pace keeps beating on

I play ignorance to pain
Pushing on and on
The ground shoves me back
Hoping I don't come again

My blood flows excitedly
I feel it waving inside
Pulse rate is thriving
And I pass on by

Now I feel free
The second wind rising
A few more steps
Anaerobic are denied

I am free to run
And run to be free
Nothing matters anymore
Because I am released


today i find myself torn
piece by piece i calmly crumble
breaking down like decomposition
feeling basic and lowly

I resist none in labor
for i am empty of it
even when told to consume
it passes over unknown

My only substance is
the music my ears reap
filling my voids with nothing
defeating the purpose of it all

I want to push something
but nothing dares oppose
my might goes undeveloped
thus festering for chances

Anxiety and passion
twinning together forever
i crumble to the floor
unnoticed and barren


It seems as if
the world conspires
against me with
emotional fires

I must constantly
be coated in pain
paranoia, and and anxiety
so others will gain

I drain myself
of all i have
continually growing
insane inside half

Angst builds
stress creeps lightly
the gravity up
comfort only slightly

I wonder about
self abuse in emotion
question if i do
like stopping motion

Hollywood Type Love but Real

When I'm with you babe
I cant help but smile
Your hug so inviting
So stay for a while

You make me excited
Every time we meet
Loving you is so easy
Your passion cant be beat

My love to thee
Love to me, from she

Perpetual Love

This perpetual love
forever falling in place
falter slightly
but resurrected triumphantly
hysterical and pure
we back each other
hoping that we survive
knowing we will
I sleep soundly
for perpetual love
is priceless and
at the same time
given freely to me
Priceless or price-less
both and neither
lasting forever
regardless how it goes


don't you realize how much this means
paining me is ignorance for everyone
i thought, except you, until now
never catching a break from misery
loneliness, separation, isolation, insanity wins
releasing begins to falter under the mass
bottling up how i feel so life goes on
regretting nothing but planning carefully
i wish i was happy, but its impossible
even she has hurt me now, never
it didn't hurt, but it felt deep to me
she doesn't understand just how good
it hurt, but then it didn't
i pass it through my system repairing
the pain then amplified by intense rejection
it barely recognizes how it burns
all i can get is, don't be mad
not even a true apology to it or me
perhaps it is me, putting emphasis to it
that's what the elder would tell me
before the elder met a cruel end
i disbelieve the elder, its twisted and sick
figure out this mess, i will compete to finish
all will be well soon enough for me

Shell of Silence

Silently I suffer
My eternal peace
Writhing in pain
You swear to cease

The progress is none
Stationary, not motion
Peaking post-mortum
Leasing immortal potion

Sometimes to feel
I trick myself
Believing pain is real
It damages itself

Reflecting on life
I again remember
Happiness, Joy, Bliss
Burnt to an ember

So I hide away
Deep in my shell
Revealing nothing
I might as well

Silently I suffer
Restless peace
Debating my actions
Refuse to crease

Passing Whim

I find myself centered
Repeatedly in despair
Because every where I entered
My soul was in repair

Crying silently to her
She isn't aware
And I'm not quite sure
How I should share

I creep into her dreams
Without knowing you
Even now it seems
So dark, no clue

Playing with hearts
Masterful norms
Breaking into parts
Waiting till it warms

Sleeping I find truth
Complexity is to simple
Maliciously becoming sooth
Hoping for a happy dimple

So I write this quest
Denying all its validity
Pondering, I will never rest
Failing is such a pity

I pass on life never
But wish I could live forever

No Clue

This house is no home
to survive i cover in chrome
hard and impervious to you
but sadly you don't have a clue

I ponder on how to stop
in order to i must drop
or projective works too
but sadly you don't have a clue

When something hurts, will power
if i don't, a punishment shower
all you blood i wish i drew
but sadly you don't have a clue

Conspiracy Theory

The stink of your ego is gross
i can feel it growing now
this simple gesture can
and forever will destroy
it bugs me to much, how
no matter how hard i try
i only make slow progress

Frolicking softly inside my mind
i spot the cure for it all
then i come to find
its extinct to the fall

Sometimes i wish it
and know i cant have
burning like most nothing
but the love for a woman
not just any, but her
second to that is it
you take it mercilessly

Similar situations arise
where i find myself blind
realizing that its my prize
the devils black book i signed

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Silent Breakdown

Watch how I squirm
under the iron fist
deceiving and firm
it only makes me pissed

Suddenly it slips
out from under me
confidence drips
like my sanity

Forever i feel
pain from yesteryear
compounding my zeal
and instilled by fear

These mental fractures
debilitating and cruel
counting all factors
I'm just a tool

Laboring endlessly
this is how it works
crack down carelessly
as my frustration lurks

They watch me twitch
controlling the seizure
histaminal itch
its there only leisure


Are you forgotten
and lost without a trace
Do you feel rotten
just barely feel your face
You feel hurt faster
like loving plaster
til the moment you break
Pushing it all harder
Knowing how much you take

Push it all away
You know its a game
Then you'll say
I'm not to blame


I think about my life
daydream about my future wife
my girlfriend isn't with me
all by myself i'm left to be
i ask myself what to do
when i glance at the PS2

Its the champions
of norrath
with my companions
assisting my path
we help each other
giving items and xp
benefiting one another
its where i am free

I play as a high elf cleric
holding it with high merit
weilding a large mourning star
we travel around and far
killing enemies with holy strike
its like a virtual fourth Reich


we spend hours in the basement
no food, break of fart vent
all we seek is to level up
occasionally i pee in a cup
sitting here with my friends
we play till the game ends

A Passage of Life

Gentle ripples threatening a storm
Persuaded by my swaying feet
I feel the cool water catch my toes
Saying to myself "How Wonderful"

I can see my friend, mother loon
Swimming swiftly through and through
The cool breeze rests on my shoulder
And kisses my face knowingly

As I sit here I make waves
My feet osculate at frequencies
Its abnormal for the lake
She sits quietly, so ignorant and naive

All around I hear water birds
I ponder what they say
Perhaps they talk of me
"Whose that guy and why is he here?"

Next I look to the ancient trees
They tower over the lake, seeing so much
Some look over the lake to see a reflection
Yet others stand tall and stay still

I see a fish jump in response
It is unbelievable the vastness of fish
The variety and size of so many
All visible through the clear water

Heart Bleed

So this is how it feels
To be loved by someone
Ive never felt like this
And I'm just having fun

Because every time we kiss
I feel it inside of me
Love is so blissful
It just sets me free

I hope it goes forever
Never let me go
I need you near me
Holding me until you go

Never rest with your arms
Holding tight
The hugs are so fulfilling
It feels so right

I close my eyes
Just before I sleep
Feeling you next to me
Advancing without a peep

Dragging slightly over
You rest your body on top
Kiss me politely
My eyelids drop

Into my dreams I go
Your still at my side
Loving, caring, supporting
Like the gentle tide

Everything about you
So sleek and passionate
Caress me gently
Your love I won't forget

Maiden’s Calmness

Blinding rage built up inside of me
Like an untamed wave exploding
Never to feel the freshness of free
So slowing down I feel myself imploding

Feeling so down and craving for
Everlasting pain from the plantar surface
But I know I will never get more
Its all because I just save my face

Passing up ever opportunity
But never want to give in
Passing what never gave to me
Oppressive lipids to give a grin

I know I can get over
Easily with her at my side
Invisioning which for ever
This iron maiden provide

Forever, Never Free

The wind is blowing
As i keep flowing
And the winter light
Will never be

The sun is going
Though never showing
Mother Nature will fight
But forever, never see

The trees are growing
Branches moaning
Life forces bright
Burning to be free

Spineless Vertebrate

I knew a girl not long ago
This girl was all tell and no show
So I grabbed the mike and let flow

I says to her let me be
Proceeding it came something green
I look over and its her spleen

She's a spineless vertebrate
Inside I know shes third rate
Because she always left the bait
Left it all to her fate
She move and I called checkmate
Couldn't stand this spineless vertebrate

Yet to be Felt

It goes without saying
To live is to learn
Attention continuously paying
But never to earn
Seeing her there, laying
You're left to yearn
But simply it's betraying
You're not her concern
So learn or stop playing
Live, and stay stern

Rebirth, Again

I am now reborn
Into a new form
Pacing, slightly torn
Like berserker's of Korn

The wheat of heat
Grinds gently with meat
Looking only to beat
This from a repeat

Reborn, I come alive
For revenge wont survive
To every stake I drive
Pulsing, brightly, revive

Pushing into me now
Surrounding it, but how?
Regret, never, for this I bow
Outwards closely falling down

The new me released
Humiliatingly ferocious beast
Never lost the skill, pleased?
Only sometimes I teased

Silent as living dark
Creeping innocently, don't bark
Blacker than blood of the lark
Ninja accuracy hit the mark

The new me will not end!

False Reality

Why did she stumble upon me
Why did she never give up
She thought she was free
But religion held her up

She was simply with me
Living a false reality
Never knowing how to be free
Living a false reality

Stick up for what to believe
Integrity to never let go
She will never quite receive
Ability to just let it flow

She was simply with me
Living a false reality
Never knowing how to be free
Living a false reality

I might have to call Loki
And have him play some tricks
Dr. Dervant has the key
To give her the right fix

She was simply with me
Living a false reality
Never knowing how to be free
Living a false reality

The Sepratist Complaint

rubber bands and turpentine
ooo baby you are lookin fine
you are full of everything
while the concrete becomes nothing
swim through the wood
create as if you really should
punch that goat in its face
grab the throat but don't erase
find home with Dr. Dervant
meet frank, steaks he want
doctor please save my insanity
never give me that humanity
i don't want to be like them
comparative, speak softly, im a gem
let the red light absorb you
until you have a real clue
die peacefully and grab ass
slingshot yourself, but have class

As Far

As far as i can see
i am just a loser
no matter what i want to be
to you i'm a burn out cruiser

As far as i can be
just doesn't seem enough
so i'm down on my knees
don't make it anymore rough

As far as i can try
which is basically nothing
but my brain i will fry
to write words about everything

All of my work, forgotten
real accomplishments go unseen
grape on my fork, rotten
you consider it unclean

As far as i can hide
the rules are always the same
i just want to see my bride
for there is one beast left to tame

Two Phones

I sit here with multiple phones
listening for the call of drones
waiting for the inevitable fate
dreading that unofficial "great"

Listen to the guitar play, scattered
silent madness, takeover shattered
hoping i could scream like them
wishing for my real freedom

The big yellow wheel block
my path every time by rock
untrue freedom feeling trapt
all unwritten rules be scrapped

But not realism cant be false
feeling for humanities last pulse
Call it: Time of Death, Theodore Roosevelt
for the rich white male, his pelt

Forces me to sit here with these
two phones, undeserving women to please
teddy, you failed me and passed away
my hopes and dreams you pushed away


Freedom isn't free
Unless it is taken
But cannot be taken
Without some fee
So is it free?
Or must it be forsaken
No one will see
How to be free
If no one else is shaken
From this world, faking
All live with glee
Because its not shaken
But it needs to be
Please hear the plea

Take A Walk In The Woods

why always your way?
why cant you open your mind?
break free of mental ruts
and see what life has to offer

its all money and power
to you, i don't matter
it is just the future
and what i don't want to be

you set the limits, impossible
socially i am dead, your fault
just let me figure it out
that's how i will grow

it always comes down
straight to your wallet
never ever about happiness
because that's how you had it

don't push that garbage on me
i wont have it, hate it?, yes
there's more to life than money
just walk in the woods awhile

its so calming even humbling
just observe life, its finest
check it out, free yourself
no one likes to be unhappy

A Separate Me

I wish i could be
a separate me
and live to see
i, wild and free
Needing so desperately
pleading so desolately
but no one will believe
I've come to receive
New to transceive
only want to cleave
So leave graciously
Don't take generously
Open mind will see
Hoping to be free
A separate me

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Struggle

Every time i get that feeling
I know i will soon be dealing
I feel it push its way out, fast
That smell will really last
It is like small contractions
But a big distraction
Long and solid, brown
When i push, i just might frown
Squeezing out that last trailer
Earlier it was like a gun nailer
The inevitable turd, buoyant
Water lizard flamboyant
Poop power pushing outwards
It would make them cowards
Turd so enormous
Brought to life for us
Bright green as if starving
Hate those, mostly starving
Hundred Kuracs or more
Straining, i hit the floor
Finally it is released
Unleashed a new beast
I try to flush it down
It doesn't even crown
Clogging the toilet, fuck
Spilling over the bowl, FUCK
The shit starts to attack
Taking, not giving back
I grab a plunger and heave
Alas, i force it to leave
Sent to the sewers, good
Sent to the ground, should
I breath a sigh of relief
It came as if disbelief
And now it is gone
Forever, how wrong
No one got to see
The poopy majesty

Analysis of Peers

My desk, permanent and unbending
Pushing into my xiphoid process
Without touching my ribs
The noise of the class lesson
Droning and distracting me
I smell someones fresh grapefruit
Being skinned as if it had no feelings
Dissected mercilessly, screaming flavor

My seat is bent, paining me
The clothes i wear, inhibit breathing
Every droned, brainless filth
Ignore the class for a phone
Teacher oblivious, gentle and kind
I reach for my inner peace
Unwilling to show itself to the world
I try to ignore its defiance

The lesson keeps playing
Aware of my ignorance to itself
Determined to keep me from sleeping
And struggling to keep plugged in
Unlike the television, who stares blankly
Longing like i do, but more passionately
I catch another scent of grapefruit
And pass over its insolence

Foolish adolescence sleep the life away
When the love could be so strong
Love that they long for so
The parallel fool, listening
Intently, erect to the lesson
While they pass over truth
Missing the point of life
Of which i have not found

Students trying too hard
Never catching a break because
Innocence has kept them blind
Never feeling the opposites warmth
Which i am not willing to give her
My body burns for another
Not within this exact realm
Sick with longing, she keeps me

My clothes, uncomfortable, restricting
Heart longing with sickness for her
The general populous fatigued
With the effects of being brainwashed
Laughing, i consider all possibilities
But conclude that in that order
Love will perish, rejoicing, never,
To be felt again, love would pass

The statue in the corner of the room
Ridged and supposedly flowing
Watching over my friends and I?
Doubtful, love has not perished
Making it impossible for religious victory
And the flag of freedom, hypocritical
Hangs without a break, but never
Ever breaks for anyone, even the poor

The lights hang like bats
Poised, ready to attack
Never working up the courage to stop
In fear of mans wrath
The cross of their god, overbearing
Mean even, staring me in the soul
Ahh, the lesson complete, no
But starting to become, concluded

Pandora's New Box

The first level so easy to beat
Just say hello, considered we meet
I just need a first comment
To pass my judgment

Secondly you must see
To make me smile, necessity
Silly jokes or abrasive humor
Make me laugh before I anger

The third step is to continue talking
Working, Trying, but not stalking
Walk the fine line that looks enormous
Considering the other lines before us

Most don't make it past that first step
Its really sad, the people need pep
Fourth you must gain my respect
For something original, respect

If you want to know inside my head
The fifth step is not to dread
Talk to me, trust me with everything
Make no mistakes, lies or hurt bring

Only a fool or a genius could pass
Each step to be taken, en masse
Six, we must have history, laugh for fun
If you don't like it, then fine, just run

Lucky number seven is where you end
Because its a dead end, the past should bend
If you wanted to know the real me
It was a different approach, you'll see

Lets say you get past level seven
You proceed to eight, the worlds unleven
You will find much more complexity
Occasional pain and ecstasy

The rest is a blur, even for I
It is complicated, enough to die
I wish i knew who i was
It would make life easier because

I wouldn't have to think for myself


Philosophical madness
Land loving to caress
Stone shackles on my breast
You, only incest

The beast awaken
Whole worlds shaken
Philosophically making
New paths be taken

And So On

To create is to escape
and now i see inside myself
a bastard with some cream
only to get it on a shelf
i cannot stand this blinding pain
and so i go and let myself
become enveloped in this game
regret and let it go and now i melt

There's flowers in the flower pots
played this little game
flower i now recognize
to put myself to shame
i do not give it up
or slip it in my mind
potted flower grow with power
and no one left behind


Flat out I'm sick
sick of this shit
the influenza
of your questions

I just wanted some piece
my life back to me
your voice infects me
and tosses me at night

I want out of this
your game is sick
disgusting and vulgar
to my development

No doctor can heal
beside Dr. Dervant
giving peace of mind
from your brain tumor

The Dirt Path

The dirt to be piled
Load after load
Mark after mark
But never told

I dig for what seems forever
Digging to be free
Make that side bend
As i approach the tree

Digging with no progress
Blue worms do i see
Supposed to be brown
Root up that new tree

Black and solid moistening
Spongy topsoil never ever ends
I see the end coming closer
Only to extend

The end is so much harder
Only sand and stones
Its better than the other choice
Which might break my bones

I use the flat shovel
Smoothing out the side
Only to be destroyed by tractor
"Simplicity" red with pride

Finally we're finished
Or at least that's what i thought
I saw Brian standing there
With the gravel he brought

We shoveled when its morning
And shoveled at the night
Shoveling for mourning
And at last we finished the fight

Memories of Burnt

The memories will burn
With fire and passion
The words you wrote to me
So long ago
Will BURN!
It will be me to commit such an act
Your memories now mean nothing
To me you are nothing
You are just another pain
Never leaving me alone
So your memories will burn
The Dr. will help me to discard
Every last one of yours

I will sacrifice that part of my life
To the Great Woden
Praise be to Woden, god of gods
Master to my beast, wolf
The sacrifice will be accepted
I will gain much from this honor
Constitution, Dexterity, and Wisdom
All from this burning
Memories mean nothing
If they do not exist
I cannot feel
If they are gone
So I will burn burn burn everything

I wont use gasoline
Just a match and a pot
Burning all the memories that
Plague me on occasion
You will never again
Tell me not to, tell me you would rather
Take them like everything else that was mine
My honor, friends, family, pride, and love
Stolen by my blindness
I will burn them of spite
Forever just fertilizer
Ashes in a pot

Don't try to talk me out of it
I'm just gunna ignore you
Burning everything
Like you burnt my everything
The rage of Woden consumes me
As I consume the food of new life
Love, Life, and Liberty
While you took my everything
Love, Life, and Liberty
And you abused it
Too far
Burning now and for never again
To read you wretched lies
Your webs of control
Lies all of it
Just leave me alone

I'm going to burn it all soon
That's that
And don't talk to me about it
Ive made up my mind
There's nothing you can do
They are nothing more than ashes now
Tough shit

Into the Darkness

The wind is small
And all in all
I wish i was simple as a wall
Slowly and surly i will fall
Into the darkness, we, all

Stop for a second
Grab a ball
Slip into silence and the claw
Raging and restless i will maul
Into the darkness, we, all

So sleep for forever
Peaceful all
Sleep for a second and stall
Stall for forever all in all
Into the darkness, we, all

Slip into me
O my sweet
Take a small rest off your feet
Standing and ranting day of all
Into the darkness, we, all

Death creeps near
Old and gray
Look to the oak tree for shade
Nature soon now will call
Into the darkness, we, all

Dr. Dervant
Wants to see
See me feel better, full of glee
Chipper and bright, china doll
Into the darkness, we, all

Free my soul
Frank will plea
Free me by casting me into the sea
Forever near ocean beats
Into the darkness, we, all

Classic Set-up

The inaudible counter counts endlessly
And his friend the pie baker friendlessly
I shovel small pebbles with a broken pen
Continuing the work of Franklin, Ben

The counter of the inaudible type
Counts the pennies through the night
He counts and counts with depression creeping
Penny after penny when his wife is sleeping

The baker bakes pies to customers fill
As an oak tree grows moss, never will
So is he broke from not baking, no
Because he is baking as space will show

My broken pen is a poor gravel mover
As told from dead people like Pres. Hoover
His peoples peoples people worked on a dam
Still shoveling after, from government ass ram

So Mr. Benjamin Franklin, o high and mighty
One c-note bets he wore whitey tighty
His works were great and never stagnant
Because he knew grandma couldn't get pregnant

My lament is finally over done
To the driest shower i must run
Naked and naked in the place
With that thing that helps no race

The Dream

I just exploded all over your dreams
Now your soul is bursting at the seams
Second i touch her she creams
All over the new shag rug
Forever i seen her shrug it off
Turn you head and cough
Feed from the trough
Of knowledge allegedly
Forever is never free
So i just exploded in real life and time
Government wont spend a dime
I made her cream again just for lime
Light so sublime I see her crying
In the morning my brain is frying
And dying, trying to let it go
Eating the eternal mango
With Frank and Dr. Dervant
Whenever i want
Sixty-nine is every night
Darkness with which i fight
Is really my past
Not right but a purple cast
Iron pot to raise the mast
Synopsis is no stream
Of thought to become a dream
Dream on drama drinker
For heaven belongs to the thinker
Because it is not real to the thinker
You see him as a stinker but really
He's touchy feely
But back to the dream
Dream of new skies
Or new skis
Just say please and it will be yours
Press R2 to open new doors
Collecting, wandering to new floors
Opening pores into my classic dream
Of me falling into the blue stream
I just continue to make her cream
And that's the climax of the scene

Frank's Extinction

Its Frank the Cadaver
He simply would never
Kick you forever

Hes got internal obliques
His skinlessness so sheik
Frank used to be a Greek

Spartan to be exact
Until his Aorta they extract
And his Sciatic never intact

What was he when alive
Parasites!!! they did thrive
In his intestines, surprise!!

Frank the Cadaver

Tomorrow i get to see
Whats inside of me
The cartilage of my knee
And from where i pee

Cadaver labs are fun
Not to make a pun
Hes got a gun
But he cant run

He wishes he had
Brain from his head
Cant get out of bed
Because hes dead

His muscles are small
Hes not too tall
Walk to the mall?
Hes dead he cant

In a Different Light

Poetry to me
should be
so free
and quiet

It doesn't
to yell

Yet screams
for attention

Poetry to you
or fool
might drool
raw emotions

Too raw
for whom
my dawn
in room

Quite simply
its reckless
to cast it away
never to obey

To one who
wont because
well never mind
and have fun

You cheat yourself
and humanly

Poetry to us
maybe a fuss
roaring a cuss

But open yours
never refrain
till it pours
like summer rain

The human thing
is worse to waste
than a mind

I say to thee
for heavens sake
let the mind

But still
poetry to them
who only condemn
who you befriend

It is only words
no harm come too
like winter birds
its all they do

Its important
to value
life's only
real truth

The truth will
remain untold
the mind of still
and beauty behold

As i ramble
i look around
seeing life
that is bound

Because poetry
is not free
nor quiet
too thee

Let it free
your mind maybe
then you'll see
the real me

So dismount your horse
and come with me
to find the source
that sets you Free!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Strategic Love

"I think I'm falling in love"
I say to myself last night
But i cant bring myself to tell her
So long the inner fight

"I decide I should be silent"
As i "go with the flow"
Not a single regret
My passion explode

"I really should pace myself"
Watching myself from a far
The depression of leaving
Sets in, I started my car

"I wish I could go back"
With open winded Ms.
RHCP blaring my cry
For her gentle kisses

"I want to be with her"
Settling down into bed
Melatonin, then whack it
She finishes, and I'm dead

"I hope ill see her tomorrow"
I slip into the covers warm
Dream of her all night
With her I'm reborn

Pearl of Beijing

The feeling is so intense
This feeling of falling
I hear her clawing
For more just falling
Never to be balling
In my self defense
Its plain common sense
No second pence

I'm falling for the girl
For the girl I'm gone
To sing a new song
Loud as the Beijing gong
No word is wrong
Shes my precious pearl
Water nymph whirl
Beautifully simple girl

The Liquid Life

The liquid life
Runs down my throat
As like a stoat
Becomes fur coat
With help of a knife
And just let it go

The liquid life
Caffeine and Thiamine
Makes me a human being
It will never make a scene
Or make me strife
And just let it go

This liquid fix
Of panax ginseng
Life so fucking
Vibrations releasing
Majical vitamin B 6
And never let it go

New liquid death
Seeing glorious double
Nervous system trouble
Turning thoughts to rubble
But bring new breath
And always let it flow

The liquid life
Cool my esophagus
Open windowed bus
Like my open lust
For my future wife
To never let go

The Story of Dr. Dervant

The doctor is in, that's Dr. Dervant
He has no kin, but all he may want
He waits patiently, for the patient that be
So reluctantly, a quickly forgotten me
I'm his only client, he gives me assistance
Though I'm defiant, he's still persistent

He has hair of snow, and round glasses
He is aware of my show, still helps through classes
Dr. Dervant is professional, and never wrong
He's in all my processionals, even though there long

He keeps me sane, every long day
I think his name is Dane, but he's on his way
The doctor knows my ploy, he can tell the real
And the decoy, understanding how I feel
He's a buys man, though not too rich
Drives a VW van, with a trailer hitch

Caring and passionate, he cures my sicks
I should ration it, but i need my fix
He is selfless, and endearing
The occasional restlessness, forever peering
Doctor sees I'm sensitive, but pokes no fun
Feelings to him are relative, no need to run
For some strange reason, he wears a white uniform
Expecting no fees and, lives not unlike a dorm

Daily he watches, waiting to uncover truth
Never crutches, and never lessruth
He tells me chin up, always so positive
Never ever give up, all he has to give
And so to this man, who holds in respect
World of a man, my world he effect

Parental Annoyance

You say you only care
I say its not fair
I wish you listened to me
More cared about me

You simply don't get it
And inside its a fit
You should care about me
Not just care for me

The only reason to talk
Is to get me to walk
Do all the shit you want
Unlike Dr. Dervant

Dervant, my inner you
Telling me you've got a clue
I know you just don't
Ask me, i wont

Again with Dr. Dervant
Curing me like you tant
Letting everything go
In the end i will row

Saying that it is alright
Simple refuse the fight
Dr. Dervant will help
The internal beast D velpe

Wouldn't it be nice
When lookin at my ice
I saw the reflection
Of that offspring connection

Its not about that you do
It is about how you do
Cuz if it is for, naut
It isn't what i want

I want the one of about
That would make it rout
I wish i wasn't angry
But i need to be free

If u only knew my fell
It could all be well
Its your worst mistake
That makes ME fake

I hope you soon realize
The amount at surprise
The pain that is felt
Is worse than a belt

For if u do not wise up
You'll lose a Wolff pup
Ill be gone and happy
For once, not crappy

Mother Nature's Paradox

As i was driving with my mother this fine day
The tires hugged the pavement as if gay
I found myself sympathetic to the corn
Gasping for a breath of air with every wave
Mother Nature continues to put them to grave

Then i saw a single oak leaf floating alone
But as far as trees go, it was dry as a bone
I laughed silently to myself about said leaf
For i knew it had an inevitable fate of drowning
The new birth of field maggots was crowning

I found my eyes wandering to the new mud pile
Stubbornly groaning and excreting bile
I put up my boots and sang to Wolfmother
Singing my hymn to the likes of no one
Waiting for the girl to finish her run

Back to the corn that was slowly dying
And the farmers field, I'm sure was crying
Its not that i wouldn't, i just could do nothing
The corn was gasping for that last breath
Arrogantly boasting to me about death

I wish i could save the corn to make it suffer
Escaping life makes them no tougher
I say fuck you to those plants for laughing
They know that i have much left to live
I count it as luck for i have love to give

Semi Buzz

Why do my clothes feel so tight
I tear them with all my might
Yearning passionately for light
In the dark will i do the fight

I desecrate my clothes with vigor
As energetically as that guy tigger
Or the Conan the barbarian figure
While fishing for it, use i a jigger

Burping booze so intimately
In blood it fuse quite recklessly
Its gentle taste is remarkably
Fredrick's own just masterfully

Ode to Exhaustion

The simplistic average exhaustion is escaping despite my will
I wander between worlds, whispering my every thought
I ponder my becoming, hear a voice and wait until
The pain that is my lower back, weakening though hath fought

Breathing normally, although on average it is terribly slow
I lethargically convert my body back to its correct acid levels
Tails of sorrow exhorted from my body, to whom will show
The freedom of hard labor, for once, in my greatness, you revel

Rebellious mud slop adhering to the side of my boot
The muscles in my back are whining for some relief
I know for once the pile of effort was not for Zoot
But perhaps it was, but that depends on your belief

Canisters trickle down the wicker desk top, but for
Only one sip can cure your pain without lamentingly
That same pile, begging, pleading, for what? no more
We drag on stacking, with effort insanely relentlessly


What’s in a laugh?
The simple joy of something funny
Perhaps to some
Others its a continuancy
History of Hilarity
Together with no one

Could others understand
The joke in my head
I doubt it severely
The emphatic smile
Creeps to my face
Even at a penis joke
In the middle of church

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Prudent Nod

Your sweet and tender lips meet myne
This love is sweet like prudent wine
My rapscillious desire tends to run wildly
Can’t possibly, you take this mildly

I can give you all but not
Leaving no one else in my slot
Observing how I only am odd
Pleading you give me a simple nod

Majestic and Wandering Oak

I am the cut up pieces of the great oak tree
Bark, brown and protecting, falls off easily
It sparkles with the unforgivingly wet mud
As it dances down my delicately strong cover

My strongest branch now sits faithfully next to the weak
Torn down from the height of my power to be meek
Shows how we all are fuel towards the majestic end
I cry in pain as the humanoids cut my toughest bend

They cut as I block the immense pains, reoccurring
The ant colony in my dead limbs are stirring
I see my insides, incredible, for the first time
Respectfully and smoothly they clear the extra grime

Finally the longevic deed of death is complete
As my spirit rises up I can tell I’ve been beat
I’m stacked neatly as if it were done correctly
Woe be, my splinters for revenge, so sweetly

Mourning Mere

Mourning bear
Unruly and decisive
Cooking dinner
For her friend the Rat

Morning there
Wanting to give
Getting thinner
Taking to the mat

Scorning fare
Why not live
Kicking the tinner
Way to look at

Mother mere
Deeply insightive
A letter binner
Skills a desolate tract


Waiting in anticipation
Head in the guillotine
Blade about to drop
Spiders in my skin
Darkness taking over
Deception my catalyst
Blindness my ultimate failure

Strapped down on the rack
Sitting in the chair
Let the Demons out
Wreeping havoc on earth
Kicks to the groin
Rape me while i sleep

Scars only get deeper
Kill me where i stand
Caged up like a beast
My raw emotions rawr
Stab my cheat with a pike

Aim for the kill

You kept me in darkness
Constantly ignoring my pleas
Never knowing the real me
Always shoot it down
Saying its not real

Everyone shall die!
Bow to my glorious figure
Realize you were very wrong
You don't know me at all
All that wasted time
Hours of work for nothing

Where did it get me?
That much closer to death
Only a short time together
Make it count the most
Pack of wolves devours prey
Savage Pre-Human killer
Defense is number one

Never forgotten again
Why cant we communicate
You refuse to respond
I'm trying my hardest
Crows eating the farmers corn
Don't ever lie to me again
You don't like me angry
Comforting me don't work

I know you should go
The time is now
Move our troops out
Break the fortifications
Destroy all ties
Hells Guardian Blocks My Path

Chewing Headphones

Here in this place
Sitting by myself
My unshaven face
All because you left
Going at this pace
Bottling what i felt
Building up my base
My life in broken Halves

Opportune Love

This is the best time of my life
Having you by my side everyday
I no longer need my knife
A single day without you is gray

Being with you completes me
With every kiss i love you more
You set my sad spirit free
I just leave my cares at the door

I would be lost without you
What would i be doing now
I don't have the faintest clue
All i can say is wow

Every second without you hurts
Knowing you fell the same
I just want to rip off my shirt
Being with anyone else is just shame

I love you so so much
All i need is your presence
Even more with every touch
You not with me is my sentance

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Poison Potion

Anger rising
Hormones crazy
Every word you say
One step closer
Day i break
Watch your back
Out of my way
I’ll destroy you
Stop talking
Leave my life
NO Questions
Burn in hell
Fiery abyss
Total darkness
Wanting a blade
To kill the masses

Something inside
Wanting freedom
Break the chains
Blood wrath flowing
Punch the wall
Does no good
Bottle it up
Makes it worse
Gunna kill you
Fuck Everyone!

Soul Burn

If you just died everything would be great
You young sir are everything i Hate
Stupid humor, not even funny
You don’t know love, for yours is money
Ridicule me all your hearts desire
Soul burn, rage, sets you on fire
You go through life knowing not love
So i call you out, push then shove

Just shut up revenge, is no way
Its not my fault your love is gay
Gay in the sense that you abuse
Go after her, you lit my fuse
Like watching silently crimson dagger
Tearing the heart of some poor beggar
The lives of countless girls, you’ve raped
Met with opposition, for once, you’ve graped

Kinda Poem Half Way Home

What I had was great,
Careless and exciting
I was unsure towards the end
So i killed it off
or so i thought but in reality
just wounded it severely
recovery is a long road
with hopes and failures
crushing events every so often

Life is a rough path
but over time i have realized
my cowardice was our death
chemistry is a wonderful thing

I now feel i can do better
even though we have both felt
deep pains and comforted you
helping each other along

Trusting you is not hard
growth was necessary
I just hope you want me
Realizing i'm not easy to

traveling different paths
but they meet again
i can only hope on my heart
hoping is all i got
sometimes i feel so lonely
i just need someone
someone i can kiss and hug

I am lost in the world
i need you with me
love is never destroyed
only pushed aside and diminished
coming out of my cave
i catch this thought of
Why? why did i do that
talking the other night
that was very opening
releasing old feelings
sitting, thinking, wondering

how are you feeling
what have you been doing
we've been dating others
only distractions
not real love

i need someone to be there
you need someone who cares
someone you can trust
im perfect for that
i just hope you realize this
People we date now don't matter
its us versus the world
and we can win.

Bottled Paranormal

Whats your deal,
You sent the Roadsigns
Five bottles with one head
and a Jellyfish man
Perfect samurai technique
Why am I silencing
I scream as I phase through
Slashed with a butter knife
Making me the normal one
and your a Robot!
Stop screeching at my beaver
How don’t dare you?
Be I melting.

Some Love

I can’t believe this void inside me
Just tranceive the weight beside me
Wishing to receive that wants to ride me
Girl you retrieve my heart to confide me

Girl, I’m missing you, so
Girl, I’m kissing you, no
Girl, really I’m missing you
Woman just come give me a home!

Just let me give you some of my love

You’ll learn to love like three dimensional
Girl are you loving like three dimensional
Agape love to frappe the confectional
Don’t believe in love that's sent to confessional


Girl please just give me so love!


Hearts Density

I wish I had a heart of stone
For then I could not hurt
But also I wish I wasn’t alone
So I wear my heart on my shirt

Questioningly I have a heart with love
But I don’t know if I’m ready
Pure and agape like a white dove
At times her love seemed petty

I’m quite done giving her everything
I am tire of her hate and yelling
Feeling ready to let love sing
But I couldn’t keep my heart from swelling

Wanting, needing someone to hold
I feel my new love begin to flow
Sometimes I get back, feeling cold
I wish there was a new way to show

Lacking my stone heart I can only feel
Agape love at my unswept doorstep
But is this happening, is it real?
Love of a girl from the ACT prep.

Destiny Forever

Welcome to your destiny
Its all a play for you and me
Free yourself with a bang
Its time to join Serj’s gang

Fight for Justice and Freedom
One plight for Justice and Freedom
Know the medicine you swallow
For now you shall follow

Don’t take those pills
Medication you only bills
Don’t give into deceptions
Break away from institutions

Seeing other gangsters on the street
Just smile and wave as to greet
Pass him light and carry class?
Or nudge him slightly, then haul ass?

Fear of Godlessness

The grass breezes as my thoughts flow
Water trickles because I’ll never go
Dancing bears, time will show
As god wears, dancing ever so

My wind blowing like time itself
God not showing, scared of himself
People saying god is in everyone
Some praying, but one with a gun.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Angst and Fortitude

Why do I sit here,
While the pencil sharpener is melting?
And the TV chord is constriction.
I don’t move.
even though my body defuse
In this damn concentration camp
called school
Where the books hop
Wishing they were my pen.
Simply because I’m imploding.
Who’s gunna save me?
Pagan is your god.
The page eats your toothpaste
and asks you,
Whats your favorite?

I’d Love to love to love you

I think that you might have a nicer side
I’d like to think that you wont abide
An ice cream cone and cigarette what to hide
Pushing through struggles of life i will guide

-Refrain/chorus thingy

I’d love to love to love you
I cant keep playing the fool
I always kiss and hug you
Every other time a brand new rule

I know for a simple fact we don't see eye to eye
Sometimes some of what you say can make me cry
When we get through this shit i can fly
But every minute it goes unsolved i just die


I just want to love to feel your kiss on my lips
When i do, all i want is chains and whips
I see you and think about grabbin your hips
What i really would love to love is just your kiss


I know i just love you with all i got
Its just every time i'm alone with you things get hot
I don't really know if that's what i want or not
Just every second of every day you don't love me, i rot


Macrophage Bay

Why don't you come center stage
Get devoured by a macrophage
Fly away like an airplane page
I don't care what you have to say

If only you could feel my rage
At D+D ill kill your mage
Let me out of my one man cage
I just don't care about your pay

Im deep, like a wise sage
You'll wreep all from center stage
Your vag id like to engage
Let me in if you wish, i may

You know i don't have daily wage
Let Liz free me from the cage
And perhaps i should let rage,
My spirit over said Baffin Bay.

Encrypt Script

I once believed in a house of cards
Where i received three tubes of lards, so
I say to you in wicked regards,
Get off my lawn you stupid bards, or
You will meet an untimely demise.

So in this house of cards lived forever
A vicious beast who's name shall never
Be spoke upon this world so clever
Until his throat with sword will sever
The beast will always feed on the wise.

The lard took i, a local tanner
I received a new leather banner
Sold it to, I a man with manner
So i could pay my wedding planner
I wish i hadn't with winded sighs.

The Wish

I wish someone could see,
What burns inside of me,
Little meal for little fee.

Catch the ribbon, so let
Go the ribbon, and get
Flow the ribbon and yet.

Like a whale set on fire,
Set my heart with desire,
And to separate nations go,


I feel so lonly,
lonly like a bitch
each day is worse
increasing heartache.

Needing someone
someone that likes me for me
ingores my bullshit
looks past that
I want someone
just to say
I love you

And mean it
with no uncertainties

Need attention from her
being needed for love
almost in tears
anticipating and needing

Someone to call mine
worth the wait
accepting me
even though im different
but on the inside
im only different
because people make it that way

Peel back a layer or two
Im better than most
if only someone
i need love from her
dying slowly from lack
lonlyness is taking over

two paths-one choice
for now or later
looking to the future
wanting the "one"
having a family of 6

If i die
from lonlyness
all will weep
not even realizing
they missed the real me

until im gone
love is what i need
the only cure
ooo the waiting
its the torture of the U.S.
depression taking over
and heart heavy

waiting kills
brain dead
mind full power
heart in a cold
icy grip

Passion and Agony

My heart it bleeds,
Like I'm on fire,
Expresses needs,
with filthy desire.
My brain is racked,
please stop calling.
Emotional smack.
I see you balling.

Like a squirrel
In that tree
Nightly quarrel
Then you flee
Spend all day
Saving my nuts,
so if i may?
Need no buts.

Most of the time
I take the blame
within a rhyme,
Its all the same.
I only think
about your kiss.
The pain in ink
Ill Never miss.

Windy Nights Winter Fight

The classrooms wind whistles
as i jet ski thought the storm
Just when the Eye eye nestles
I take a brand new form
While i shift the Eye eye wrestles
My ideas and beliefs are scorn
I remember the summer days thistles
Touching which my skin is torn

Passing through the moon lite night
I spot a blue star beaten and crying
Riding on the jet ski doesn't make it right
Little spawns and little pawns always dying
Every second of the millennium makes me fight
Souls of soldiers one they were prying
Summon you god with all the will and might
Everything that you say LYING LYING LYING

So now i sit through the winter snow
Every day i must start a new fire
Most of what i do will most likely show
The dragons life is so close to the fire
Avoid it if you want but we all know
The burning flame that spells desire
You should never let stop the flow
For if you hold back i will admire

My Life

My life
at stand still
although i might
melt into a puddle
perhaps i,
take a metalic form
and widdle at night,
but still i might,
take to flight,
sinking into the sky
i can just sit
way on a cloud
and chasing
my sweet panda
and yet i might
wither away
into a million
bits of light
when i might
be deciding
where to fight,
this pain,
so deep
like rain
to steep
on a mountain
tributary rivers
to flood
my might
with my life.