Monday, December 21, 2009

Cry of Passion

Omits the cries of passion
Lets go of all tension
In a state of suspension

Playing within my ration
Clueless to current situation
Im denied my suduction

It kills the creation
Hoping only for resurrection
From this love potion

Controlling the possession
I pass the situation
Unskathed by distraction

Omits the cries of passion
I maintain my station
And obey her direction

Heated Water

Something inside isnt right
I have lost touch with
Most who I love for
This is not spontanious
This is not under my control
This is not your responsibility
I mourn at the corpse
Of who I was with them
Gone only until corrected
Slipping into heated water
Steaming my inner orgins
They pass, evident to everyone
But remain with me, with her
More and more I wish for
Completeness, balance, and soverignty
Adolecence is a cruel beast
Striking poison, at first harmless
And instead of talking
I spill my disembodied emotion
In a respected but unhelping manner
The carnage goes obvious and ignored
And everyone suffers because of me
This is not healthy
This is not how it should be
This is not something I can do alone


The simple tranquility
Of my happy place
Music is blasting
And the cup half full
I draw a bath
And wait for it, naked
Unconstricted with clothes
Undisturbed by others
Free to do anything
But choosing to do nothing
Except center myself


Being naked is so releasing
I dont bare the culture
Or ideas of another
No god or CEO
Just me, sitting Naked

Animals are happy only
Because they are always
Plants too, always naked
Nothing but themselves
They dont hide anything
Animals are not ashamed
Nor am I, naked and glorious
The only thing covering my skin
Is the hair I allow
No burdens, worries, or predistractions

I revel in it all
The feeling and also
The human body and its beauty
So complex but homeostatic
Im naked and loving it

Clear Water

I am clear water
Rippling gently, with respect
Moving, responsibly around
That which Im incasing
Allowing freedom
To be with me is warm
But once left
You become cold
This is because
I love, not like others
Giving life to any
The sooner you realize
There is nothing like
Clear, refreshing water
You will enjoy life
For I am all giving
For I am all inclusive
For I am, Clear Water

I am

I am your rock of patience
Your continuum of validity
I sing while you weep
And succeed for us both
When you rest, I follow through
Persistantly pushing you forward

I am your adreniline release
Controlling your vastness
I pass through your barriers
And dig deeper for completion

I am your will to dominate
Wishing to destroy the pain
I gush intrusivly to your power
Amping ability and determination

I am my yourself
Walking right through doors
Passing with ease
As a new age becomes

Scrambleless Nest

My brain in motion
It never ends
Like the love potion
But refuses trends

I cant make it quit
Or even stall
Information it could fit
Big as a wall

It swims through
Always moving
Forever true
Parially choosing

My brain needs rest
Or it will perish
A scrambleless nest
To reproduce ideas


Its the eternal antidote I seek
Following dead leads repeatedly
Sinking further into my ressurection
Silently creeping towards my doom
I become submerged into the theoredical
Where the only possible victory
Becomes when your not the good guy
Becoming non-responsive is my release
Pondering on puddles of nothing
My emotional self-masicistic tendancies

So I seek this antidote now
You think as if in the last minute
But really you miss every real one
I slither to my safehouse, broken
You go on as if it is all solved
O but not more quietly than I
No sir, you fail in that
My antidote remains unresolved
And I fall asleep, unrecognizing death

Looking Backwards

The second I see you
I cant wait to leave
It because I hate you
For the pain i recieve

You earned a place
Deep in my heart
A vengance with grace
Watch and be smart

Im treated like shit
Pushed and tested
You dont let me fit
My complaints unrested

You caught me soaked
In desire for another
It prodded and provoked
For a new lover

Looking back on it all
You never loved me
I always took the fall
But could never be free


When your scared
And dont know what to do
Look to the paired
Because there are so few
You hit a mental wall
Preaching random thickness
Who should take the fall
The prepy stuck up bitches

In this stailmate
Become master of fate
Make everything great
Or release your hate

Stailmate hits us all
Though some more than you
One last role call
For seeing my view
This compramize shared
For unfair togetherness
Because they never cared
Or tried to confess

Chorus x 2

x 4:
It feels great
To unleash my hate

Pleading Bliss

A ravenous thought reaches me
I intern reach for my ink
Pondering skillfully upon my pod
Adjusting to the slightest heat
The passion retrained in vengance
It grips the soul and feasts
Blue goop surrounds my thinking
Pacing slightly inside my state
I replace the past with the real
Sweating as if I was toxic
All part of my falisy construction
Daily grind recommences despite
My pleading goes unheard
Suddenly a rush of eternal bliss
Punctured my inner being
Externalizing all my demons
I cry in remorse, my friends
A new more intense conclusion
Brings itself to my attension
Ash burnt Grey, devours the ravenous

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Professional

The watch him
As he works, silent
The people question
How he is so efficient
Yet flawed in perfection
Defeating every client

He pulses for percision
His will goes unbent
The single time he would
Fail, they ask for rent
Then as if a fox
Popularity follows his scent

Herniated Heifer

Went I, calmly, slowly
When asked to sex
Horticulture heifer
Scared as a placenta
Spilling into a cold bin
I catch the cow
Masterbating itself
Sick, filling buckets
The vulgar stench
Filling my nasal
Suddenly the cow
She jumps to it
Realizing, regretting
Slimy, pulsing home
My cells herniate


Twister, lavish with fodder
When was it again
Spun of fleece
Spinning with silk
A constant 40 lbs.
Literally overlooked


Grip it
Hold it
Smell pain
Let go
Feel the wind
Never again
To feel

To hurt
the one
I love

Never to feel
Never too real
I cry

It flows
To I, why
To show


The reckless spoon of eternal endevour
Traps my will with shine so clever
Let me love in peace forever
Or the aorta myself shall severe
Pacing inside my mind I'll never
With the reckless spoon as my lever
The eternal endevour so coarse
Dreaming daily of thy horse
Wishing to never by force
I close my eyes to find source
To which I see no remorse


I sit and wallow
The pain to swallow
To never follow
You again

To cause you pain
I'll never again
Before the rain
So shallow

To rest I lay
My dying day
Never to play
With you

Yet there's few
Left to do
Without a clue
So if I may

The pain to swallow
I'll never again
My dying day
Left to do

Reach Out

A sloth faced man
Slithers to and fro
Passes quietly
Soft, slow
Stalking its meal
Swaggering in his teeth

This man, slothfaced
Creeping into sanity
Faced with paranormal
He questions colors
And feels his bile

Viewing this beast
I reach out
Crying on wind
Silly children, tee hee
They do not suspect
Fleeces shaking
Flawed and raw

I hear the vibrations
Sweet and calming
In nature
Pausing briefly
An opportunity


Try and confine
My rapidly expansion
Conscience exploitation
Swims with fins
Sleek and aerodynamic
So I flip him the bird
And pass through, unharmed
Genius! He sees it
All of it
In total comparability
Making swift judgment
He murders it for all
My mind dies
Slow and thankfully

Little Piece

Little by Little
Piece by Piece
I sit and mettle
My final release
I fitz and figure
To find truth
The last trigger
A foiled spoof

As I Peer

As I peer
Down the hall
Listen to hear
The faithful call
Like sheep shear
I make fall
All thats queer
And shaped ball
Dispelling fear
Well for all
Your last tear
I wish to stall

Infected Reflections

Bleeding sympathies
Unreality of hurt
I close myself
To all ideas of such
Then at the same time
Notice something

Breeding the quickies
The truth of burnt
I chose myself
To become as much
Slowly start the climb
To become king


The satisfaction like no other
Refraised to be politically correct
Turns your brain to fodder
But politically correct doesnt mean perfect
The intensity of stimulation reproduces
Multiplies by her given passion
Intercoarse, sex, the nasty, and beautiful togetherness
Intamacy, the sweat cuddling and finger passes
Passion, oneness with her, becoming
Love, flowing in and around, fluid and stable
Rubbing her, my goddess, so soft is her skin
Warm embrace, ignites my emotions
Copulating with her, anti-estrus, positive
Im her hero, she my sweetness in life
Loving her, I lust to see her happy
Not just satisfaction, sex, but
Emotional understandment and coexistance
She is flawless, and it makes me call
My limbido to prove its stamina
Flawless and imperfections
Never cursing them but enjoying
Love, agape, true, everlasting and flavorful
I give her all she needs and more
She returns the favor willingly, unasked
Whenwe finished when we pleasure
Not a drip of love goes undrunk,
Intoxicated with eachother, positive
And she embaces me to show approval
Again we go, forever but so short time
I feel her with every move
Love it! It makes me intensify
Her, so heavenly, curves glorious,
I hardly contain my inspiration for her
Softly I pair with her but
Its so true, pleasure with no pain of heart
She keeps sane and aware
I would never have believed
How she would effect me, positive
Teaching, guiding, learning and following
I love her til the end
Day in and day out, pure agape love
Integrite, honest, true, and flawless
My passions play for her my one
Only, intimate and warm, always
I will love her until, positive