Wednesday, January 26, 2011


A dream in reality where a past never left
I rush to confirm my thought accurate
Running down a suburban side walk

With a leap I fail to jump a pitfall
Dark and deep with preciousness from past life
I land on my feet to retrieve this importance

The task of climbing up seems an impossibility
Rare hand holds and this burden upon my back
With strength I pull myself out of despair

I return the loot to my past self
Overjoyed I was but still eager to learn
Walking with my past self, I teach of suffering


When loneliness grips the soul
A new version takes control
Drags him down deeper still
The unanswered void left to fill
This feeling is colder than winter
Frozen core of emotional splinters
How can I connect to this world

Like a skipped meal, empty bowl
I'm left with nothing to feel whole
Drowned by the intent to kill
Ground down like stone of mill
Tundra relates to me being barren

Gasping for relief my final role
Eternally I will pay this toll
Regardless that my debt is payed

I only seek the balance